Sema Elif Erkol successfully defends her thesis! She is the third PhD student to graduate from the lab!
The lab receives a two-year research project funding (Credit de recherche - CDR) from FNRS to investigate starvation-induced fatty liver in Zebrafish!
Elif and Gabriel attend the Annual Meeting of the Belgian Society of Stem Cell Research (BeSSCR). Elif wins the Best Talk Award!
Elif and Sumeet attend the EMBO Workshop on “The molecular and cellular basis of regeneration and tissue repair”. Elif wins the Best Poster Award!
Inés Garteizgogeascoa Suñer successfully defends her thesis! She is the second PhD student to graduate from the lab.
The lab hosts Dr Lionel Christiaen for institute seminar.
Sumeet gives a talk at the 16th Annual Swiss Zebrafish Meeting held at University of Fribourg. The Meeting was organized by Dr Anna Jazwinska.
Elif presented poster at the annual IRIBHM PhD Day.
The lab hosts Dr Arica Beisaw for institute seminar.
The lab hosts Dr Julien Vermot for institute seminar.
Sumeet gives a talk at the “Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Development and Regeneration” conference held at Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence, Delhi-NCR.
With help from Wallonie-Bruxelles International (WBI), Sumeet takes a course on bioinformatics and Regenerative Biology at Indian Institute of Technology-Kanpur (IITK). Dr Jonaki Sen kindly hosted the visit.
Sumeet visits Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB) hosted by Dr Rajender Motiani.
Sumeet visits Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay (IITB) hosted by Dr Roop Mallik.
The lab hosts Dr Marino Zerial for institute seminar.
The lab receives a four-year research project funding (Projet de recherche - PDR) from FNRS to investigate cell-fate plasticity during liver regeneration!
Dr Elly Tanaka (Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), Vinna, Austria) visits the lab and the institute to give a seminar.
Dr Filipa Simões (Institute of Developmental and Regenerative Medicine (IDRM), Oxford, UK) visits the institute to give a seminar.
Dr Nadia Mercader (University of Bern, Switzerland) visits the institute to give a seminar.
Dr Hua Bai (Iowa State University, USA) visits the lab.
Elif presents her work on liver regeneration at the inaugural conference of International Society of Regenerative Biology (ISRB) at Vienna.
Dr Nicolas Rohner (Stowers Institute, USA) visits the lab.
Ines wins Best Flash Talk award at IRIBHM PhD Day! Congratulations!
Macarena successfully defends her thesis! She becomes the first PhD student to graduate from the lab.
Dr Jan Philipp Junker (Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin) visits the lab.
The lab receives funding from FNRS to investigate the starvation response in zebrafish.
At the Annual Meeting of Belgian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology (PhysPhar), Macarena gave a selected abstract talk. Ines and Elif presented posters. Elif won Best Poster Award!
Macarena gives a talk at IB2 Retreat. Elif and Ines present posters.
Dr Kirsten Sadler Edepli (NYU Abu Dhabi) visits the lab.
Sumeet gives a talk at Department of Biology, KU Leuven.